Well Child Services
Well child visits are an important part of making certain your child/children are receiving the health and wellness benefits necessary to support their growth and development from birth to 21 years of age. We follow the recommended guidelines of the American Academy of Family Physicians and Centers for Disease Control, CDC, to ensure the youngest members of our communities are receiving the health-related care and concern necessary throughout their ages and stages to help them develop and live their healthiest lives.
Well child visits give parents/guardians the opportunity to establish a great relationship with their family medicine provider as well. Together, through partnership with your provider, you can help to learn how best to care for your child/children’s unique health needs, how to promote healthy lifestyle choices for your child/children as they grow and stay ahead of any potential health concerns along the way.
Well child visits are essential for many reasons including:
- Tracking growth and developmental milestones
- Discussing any concerns you have about your child/children’s health
- Receiving scheduled vaccinations to prevent illnesses
- Establishing a health history for your child to assist with diagnosis and treatment, when necessary, for any chronic conditions your child may be faced with along their health journey
What does a complete history during a well child visit include?
During a well child visit, it is important for a family medicine provider to learn about your child/children’s health history. The type of information that will be gathered may include:
- Birth history
- Prior screenings performed and results given
- Diet
- Sleep schedules
- Dental care
- Any medical, surgical, family, and social histories
In addition to asking for information about your child, it is recommended that mothers of infants up to six months of age receive a postpartum depression screening as well.
What type of screenings might be included in a well child visit?
Not all screenings are conducted at every well child visit, and many are advised for specific age groups. However, a few screenings your child/children may have throughout their birth to 21 years of age journey include:
- Autism
- Dental Care
- Development of speech, movement, growth, etc.
- Dyslipidemia-a fasting lipid panel
- Hypertension – measure blood pressure
- Lead poisoning
- Maternal depression – recommended for mothers at 1-, 2-, 4-, and 6-month infant appointments
- Psychological assessments
- Vision
What are some diseases that a vaccine has been developed to protect my child/children from that may be suggested during a well child visit?
Because of advances in medical science, we have safe and effective vaccines that protect our child/children from diseases such as:
- Flu (Influenza)
- COVID-19
- Measles
- Whopping Cough
- Tetanus
- Polio
- Chickenpox
- HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
- And more!
We support the childhood vaccination schedule recommended by the American Academy of Family Physicians and Centers for Disease Control, (CDC).
What is the difference between the word vaccination and immunization?
Immunization is a process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination.
Vaccination is the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.